Strategic Midlife Transformational Coaching (SMTCoaching) is transformational coaching for those who are in the midlife phase of life and desire to reinvent, rediscover and reinvigorate their life. SMT Coaching is for those who believe there is more to life for them or who wonder if there is more to life. This may be the result of various life changes, "empty nest," death of friends or family, stagnant career, or feel like you are at the crossroads and do not know which road to take. We assist individuals in obtaining that midlife is not a crisis but an opportunity. SMT Coaching is Christian based business. This means that our focus is all about helping people to move from where they are in their life to where they want to go. In addition, a we serve our clients through the love of Jesus Christ in a faith-based, Biblical approach.
A faith-based life coach is . . .
* Your own personal life trainer to enable you to achieve your goals * Your champion and cheerleader during a turnaround. * Your trainer in communication and life skills. * Your sounding board when making important choices. * Your motivation when strong actions are called for. * Your unconditional support when you take a hit. * Your companion in personal self development. * Your co-designer when creating an extraordinary project. * Your wake-up call if you don’t hear your own. * Your partner in helping you have all of what matters most to you.
There may come a time in your life when you feel that something is missing but you just can't put your finger on it or you can put your finger on it but don't know what to do next or how to get started. Sometimes you just can’t see the forest for the trees! You may be so wrapped up in everyday life that it just passes you by! Should you turn left or right? At other times you may just feel stuck and don't know which way to turn. Our main focus is women in life transitions, such as divorce, loss of a love one and especially empty nesters (those between the ages of 45 and 65). It is during these periods that women may feel lost, empty, and not know which way to go or what to do with themselves. What do I do with myself now, that it's just ME? During these times you need to discover or rediscover who you are.
As your Life Coach it is my job to help you get what you want out of life by breaking down the barriers that you may tend to impose on yourself. I will partner with you to begin a journey of looking forward, not the past, and focus on the action you are willing to take to achieve your desired goal. Also, during our strategic partnership you will be encouraged to see different possibilities, redirect your focus, to take a step back and actually examine your life and all of it’s components. As the layers begin to peel back you will achieve a greater self-awareness, focus and accountability, as well as, moving toward your destiny. It's never to late to live a fulfilled life and rediscover yourself. In the Book of Philippians we are told to leave our past behind and move toward what lies ahead. Let me show you what you can be, not what you are!IT'S TIME TO TAP INTO YOUR POWER WITHIN, REDISCOVER WHO YOU ARE, BE ALL THAT YOU WERE CREATED TO BE, MOVE TOWARD YOUR DESTINY AND GO TO THE NEXT LEVEL!